Sabio AI / Automation eBook
Sabio is a technology company that focusses on customer service solutions, like automating call centres. Based upon video interviews with the client, I structured and wrote this eBook: Smashing Silos & Building Bridges - Automation and AI that unites all your people. I've done quite a few eBooks on automation, but this was all about putting people first, and explains how to get your teams working in harmony with the new technology.
Samaritans 'Unravelling'
A mental health campaign for people who felt they were coming apart at the seams.
Kit Kat | Rich Bin Men
How did these fellas get filthy rich? They found all the Kit Kash wrappers you've been chucking away...
National Centre for Domestic Violence "Scenes of Violence"
A press campaign that took a different strategy to tackling domestic violence.
Verizon 5G Sustainability white paper
Can the G in 5G ever stand for green? I explore in this white paper.
National Centre for Domestic Violence "Excuses"
The hard-hitting reality of where women get those bruises.
The Face of Blindness
How I created a website for Standard Chartered's sponsored mountain climb that ultimately helped 3000 blind people see again.
Ericsson Smart Ports eBook
B2B eBook about the technologies that are creating the smart and sustainable ports of the future.
Ericsson Smart Mining eBook
B2B long copy eBook on the technolgies that will shape the mines of the future.
How to make your automation and AI process smoother | Sabio blog
A thought leadership blog I (ghost)wrote for tech company Sabio on the best approach to AI and automation.
Give your automation and AI some people power | Sabio blog
A thought leadership blog I (ghost)wrote for tech company Sabio on creating better collaboration on AI-powered automation projects.